Samsung Mobile Devices Coming With Eye's Retina Scanner Technology

Samsung Mobile Devices Coming With Eye Scanner Technology

Samsung Mobile Devices Coming With Eye Scanner Technology

 Eye Scanner Technology

After a fingerprint scanner technology is used as a unique code to access the information in the phone, such as the Apple smartphone, iPhone 5S. Now the South Korean vendors, Samsung, also been using the eye's retina scanner technology that will appear in the latest Samsung mobile devices, the Galaxy Tab 8.4 Pro modification with eye retina scanner.

This eye scanner technology developed by SRI (Stanford Research Institute) International, which is a non-profit research institute and one of the largest in the world. SRI has developed various biometric system called Iris One the Move (IOM). SRI has given Samsung's exclusive rights to the technology used in mobile products. Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.4 Pro is the first product to feature the iris scanning technology. The device will be on display at ISC West in Las Vegas on April 17 this year. And this product will be sale worldwide through SRI partners and resellers.

IOM technology used in Samsung's tablet is not only useful as a safety lock or unlock the tablet. But, it is also useful as identity authentication to be used by regulations personnel. And could be a new step that replaces the fingerprint sensor, so that a more accurate and more difficult to manipulate.

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